Chair & Bylaws David Karcher, MSN, RN-BC, PMH-CNS
Faculty Counselor Renee Johnson, PhD, MSN, RN
Eligibility Chair Renee Johnson, PhD, MSN, RN
Membership Chair Kristin Geiger, BSN, RN
Chair Darlene Finocchiaro, RN
Member Eun Yang, RN
Research Chair 2019 - 2021 Beth Winokur, PhD, RN
Immediate Past President Kathleen Hinoki, PhD, MSN, RN, Darlene Finocchiaro, PhD, MSN, RN
Archivist / Heritage Chair Mark Flores, BSN, RN
Scholarship / Awards Co-Chair 2021 - 2024 Heather Herford, BSN, RN
Scholarship / Awards Co-Chair 2021 - 2024 Suzanne Aguinaldo, MSN, RN-BC
Philanthropy Co-Chair 2019 - 2021 Renee R. Johnson, PhD, RN, FNP
Philanthropy Co-Chair 2020 - 2024 Kristin Geiger, BSN, RN
Publicity Chair 2023-2024 Suzanne Aguinaldo, MSN, RN-BC
Ho Jae Shin (Chair)
Beth Winokur (Chair)
Kristin Geiger (Chair)​
Heather Herford (Co-Chair)
Suzanne Aguinaldo (Co-Chair)
Kristin Geiger (Co-chair)
Renee Johnson (Co-chair)
Chessa Del Rosario (Chair)
Suzanne Aguinaldo (Publicity Chair)
Leadership Succession Committee:
Develops members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers. Mentor members to assume positions at all levels of the organization. Oversee the selection of well-qualified members who can provide the necessary leadership to achieve chapter goals and to meet the needs of members. Oversees the preparation, distribution and tallying of election ballots. Notifies all candidates (elected and non-elected) of the election results.
Governance Structure Committee:
Bylaws Committee:
Oversees the bylaw amendment process by considering, reviewing, editing and/or correlating such amendments as may be referred to the Governance Committee. Submits the chapter's bylaws to headquarters in accordance with the established policy.
Leads the procedure for determining membership eligibility and inducting members. Develops strategies for publicizing and informing students and community nursing leaders of eligibility for membership in conjunction with the Membership Involvement Committee. Secures necessary data from the official records of students to determine eligibility status. Notifies students of their eligibility status and send out the appropriate membership application materials.
Oversees the promotion of membership renewal and membership involvement. Oversees the process of involving members in chapter committee membership. Oversees the development and maintenance of a new member-mentoring program. Plans and implements an orientation for new inductees and dual and transfer members. Oversees the development of strategies for tracking new and inactive members.
Standing Committees:
Oversees the process of developing, reviewing and revising criteria for research awards and the funding of research grants. Oversees the process for reviewing and evaluating abstracts for research awards and proposals for research grants. Oversees the planning of any chapter research conferences or research day activities. Oversees the development of strategies for promoting the conduct of research and for the dissemination and utilization of research findings. Considers application for Chapter Research Advancement Award. Recruits candidates for research award—locally, regionally and internationally.
Publicity / Newsletter / Website Chair:
Oversees the development and implementation of strategies that promote and maintain chapter visibility in the community. Oversees the process of development and publishing the chapter newsletter. Oversees the publication of all program, conference and chapter activity announcements. Oversees the development of content for the chapter display at Biennial Conventions and other opportunities. Confers with the chapter web master and assist in getting information disseminated via the web site.
Heritage / Archives:
Oversees the filing and/or preservation of committee meeting minutes. Oversees the collection and preservation of statistics, documents, individual contributions and other information of historical significance concerning the chapter. Oversee sthe process of developing and maintaining a written history of the chapter which is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Fundraising Chair:
Collaborates with the appropriate committee to evaluate chapter income sources, and determine financial needs above and beyond collection of member fees. Oversees the development and implementation of strategies for funding specific chapter projects as determined by the board of directors. Manage the fund raising event and ensure that an effective publicity program is in place, through collaboration with the appropriate committee. Coordinate the donation of goods or services, if necessary, for the event. Solicit the general membership for participation in hosting the event. Participate in the fund raising program, activities and events along with members of the appropriate committee. After completion of the event, oversee the evaluation of the event in terms of number of participants, amount of money raised, etc.